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Mt. Columbia
March 18, 2007

Partners: Mark Cavaliero, Fritz Sperry, Joe Brennan

Route Description: Began at the Colorado Trail from North Cottonwood Creek and hiked the SE ridge. Skied the SW chute.

Data: Left trailhead at 6:15 am (9,440 ft). Followed the CO trail about a half mile and then hiked up to the ridge and followed the ridge to the summit. Reached summit around 1:45 (14,071 ft). We were able to ski from the summit. We first followed the ridge and then we followed the chute down to the gully where we met up with the trail to Harvard. We followed this trail back to the road (the North Cottonwood Creek trailhead at 9860ft) and skied the road for a couple hundred feet of vert before taking off our skis. We began walking the road to our car but we were able to hitch a ride part of the way. Total vert: 4,600 ft. Total approx vert skied: 4,400 ft.

Relevant Links: TGR Trip Report

Please view the link above for a temporary trip report for this peak. Thanks!


Photos contributed by Fritz Sperry and Joe Brennan.