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Culebra Peak
March 9, 2008

Partners: Frank Konsella, Ted Mahon, Jordan White, Christy Sauer

Route Description: From Cielo Vista Ranch. Skied West ridge.

Data: Began at the gates of the ranch gate at 6:20 am. Took snowmobiles to ranch headquarters. Stopped there to take care of paper work. Continued on snowmobiles to the Fourway parking at 11,200 ft. Began skinning from there at 8 am. Followed standard route to summit (14,047 ft) and reached the summit around 12:00 (noon). Began skiing around 12:30. Weather was poor so had to stay on the ridge. Stayed just below ridge while skiing until the main saddle. Climbed up saddle. Had good skiing in main bowl. Reached snowmobiles around 2:00. Back at cars around 3 pm. Total vert climbed: 2,850 ft. Total vert skied: 2,850 ft. Total time: 9 hrs with snowmobiles, 6 hrs without snowmobiles.

Relevant Links: TGR Trip Report

Please view Frank's blog for a trip report for this peak. Thanks!


Photos contributed by Frank Konsella.