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Mt. of the Holy Cross
April 19, 2008

Partners: Frank Konsella, Pete Sowar, Jeremy Wegener, Kellie Baker

Route Description: Approached from Halfmoon Trailhead over Halfmoon Pass to North Ridge. Skied Cross Couloir

Data: Began from the road at 7:00 am. Rode snowmobiles 8 miles to the Halfmoon Campground TH (10,280'). Began skinning from the TH at 8 am. Went over Halfmoon Pass and then into the East Cross Creek Valley (skied 1000'). Skinned up to the North Ridge (1000') and followed ridge to the summit, skinning the entire time. Reached summit at 1:30 (14,005'). Spent 30 minutes on the summit, and skied the Cross Couloir down to the cut out. Skied the cut out, then down the East Cross Creek Valley to 11,000'. Took a long break. Skinned up to Halfmoon Pass (800'), and then skied (1400') all the way back to the snowmobiles. Reached snowmobiles at 5:45 pm and then reached the cars at 6:20 pm. Total vert climbed: 5500' Total vert skied: 3000' from summit + 1400'. Total time: 11 hr 45 skinning/skiing + 1.5 snowmobiles.

Relevant Links: TGR Trip Report

Please view Frank's Blog for a trip report for this peak. Thanks!


Photos contributed by Frank Konsella & Pete Sowar.